Shastriji’s comments to the General Meeting, 20.04.1983.
The HAIDAKHANDI SAMAJ is, in fact, an ancient association but the continuity of its work was broken with time. With His reappearance, Shri Mahaprabhuji has graced us with re-establishing the Samaj. Not long ago Herakhan was an inaccessible place but with transport and other facilities now being provided, it has become easy for everyone to come here. Now there is even provision here to feed the hungry, provide water to the thirsty, to clothe the poor.
We all are eyewitnesses to the fact that Shri Mahaprabhuji Himself is the greatest Karma Yogi. He is continuously present among us, in an effort to teach us karma yoga, directing all the work tirelessly from morning to night without any need or desire for Himself. The astonishing fact of Shri Mahaprabhuji’s way of working is that we see people from all parts of the world coming here. We also know that his message is rapidly spreading everywhere thousands are coming for His darshan. Other holy men go abroad to spread their teachings – still their work stagnates. Shri Mahaprabhuji has never left this divine center to go to foreign countries, yet the glory of the name of Haidakhandi is spreading to the four corners of the world.
The aim of this meeting is to make us realize fully that, like children of the same father, we must help one another, overcoming jealousy and hatred, and spreading goodwill among men.
The real miracle of Shri Babaji is that he has transformed this place through His spiritual power alone; there was nothing, now there is a garden in which the river of plenty is flowing. Without external help, solely through the power of His perfect Being, many temples and ashrams have been built in several Indian states, as well as abroad. Within the thirteen years since His appearance, people from all walks of life have come here and received blessing in plenty.
Although the constitution of this association, the Haidakhandi Samaj, and its legal registration took place only three years ago, Babaji’s impact on every sphere of life, His message of Truth, Simplicity and Love makes it evident that it will not be long before Shri Mahaprabhuji will remove pain and poverty in the world and awaken the consciousness of universal brotherhood, spreading true peace and joy. Shri Mahaprabhuji will transform the world. Having pledged Himself to serve humanity, Shri Mahaprabhuji is immersed in activity. He will unite mankind through the force of His spiritual power and show it a new direction for progress.
To spread education, true knowledge is essential – from which will grow universal love and brotherhood. This is how a new generation of brave and enthusiastic people will grow up, once the helpless have been given support. In Herakhan, provision has been made for medical service and poor scholars are receiving free education from the ashram funds. Likewise, you should look to the areas of your countries where people are poverty stricken and helpless and then do all you can to raise their standard of living, teaching them cleanliness and high morals. To serve the needy truly and from the heart is true service to God. Shri Babaji has now totally committed Himself to liberate the world.
Dear devotees of Babaji – you who are obeying His orders to the letter, by determined to proceed on this divine path. Awake! Arise! Go and learn from the wise! Become brave karma – yogis of the Lord! So as not to be caught in the whirlpool of the world, where there is little hope of escape, become part of this nucleus of a universal family, the HAIDAKHANDI SAMAJ, give support to its message and activities!