Above all the Gods who come and go in the consciousness of man through the ascension and decline of civilizations, in the abode of infinite space, in absolute peace where there is no time, there is the Great Mother of all that is created, which is one with Her Lord, the Supreme Spirit, Sambasadashiva – Eternal Lord Shiva, who is one with Mother Goddess Amba.

He who is adorned with all divine perfections: the ultimate Being; Which gives everything; Supreme Yogi; Swan of Knowledge; Who lives in the heart of the one who knows; Supreme Master of the art of Yoga; Lord of the Universe, Whose Shrine is Kashi (Varanasi, Benares); The Lord who resides in the holy cave of Mount Kailash, King of the Sages, Lord of Haidakhand gives His blessings and says:

“The Great Power, which is the cosmic Maya, Supreme Divine Energy, Mother Goddess of Haidakhan, embodies the fulness of all that can be known (ten mahavidya), being the combined divine Mercy – the Energy of Goddess Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasarasvati. The worship of the lotus feet of the Mother of the Universe in this form gives man’s life its greatest accomplishment. “

(source: „Haidiyakhandi Sapta Shati“ Haidakhandi Samaj)